Monday: Run session at 6.30pm from outside Creation Personal Training studio, Heswall, with coach Jon Fairhurst. Hills
Just turn up for this session – no need to book in advance.
During November ’23 we will be trialling a second swim session. This will be at the Europa pool from 9-10pm. Book your place in the usual way via the club shop.
Tuesday: Run session at 6.30pm at Oval running track, Bebington, with Jon Fairhurst . Speed session
Just turn up for this session – no need to book in advance.
Wednesday: Swim session at Europa pool 9-10pm with two coaches (on a rota)
Please book your place in advance.
Friday: During the summer Outdoor Group bike session at 6.30pm from outside Creation Personal Training studio, Heswall. (Coach on duty is on a rota basis). In the winter we do a indoor group Turbo session at the Creation PT Studio. We have a small number of spare turbos available to use (on a first come basis) if you do not have your own.
Please book your place in advance.
Saturday & Sunday: Unofficial group rides organised by members We ask that if you’re heading out, please let others know so they have the option to join you.
No need to book for these sessions.
This schedule can be subject to change so please check in advance prior to attending if unsure.
Hope to see you at a session very soon.
The Coaching Team